Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm Awake!

Caylee is 5 weeks old now! I can't believe it has passed so fast. She has grown so much. I'm not sure what she weighs now, but I think it is somewhere in the ballpark of 9 pounds! She has almost doubled her birth weight, finally! She is really starting to develop her own personality. She is such a good baby! It makes it so much fun.


  1. Oh LOOK! A Collin Clone! !!!!!! HA!

  2. Hi Collin & Courtney! I found your blog through Courtney's....Caylee is beautiful! I knew you were expecting but didn't realize that she was already here. Enjoy this special time with her....I know everybody says it, but they truly DO grow up so fast.
    Take Care, Kathy

  3. holy cow collin clone is right!

    PS...thanks for telling me about the book. she loves it:)

  4. Oh my gosh, she looks so big. I saw pictures of her at Ken and Jeanette's house recently. She is so precious---I love those big beautiful eyes.

  5. AAAAWWWW...Courtney and Collin she is just too cute. I must agree with everyone when they say a Collin cute! She has grown so much in pictures that I can only imagine how much she has changed in person. I love the big blue eyes too!
