Friday, January 23, 2009
Chuggin' Along!
Well, Caylee made it through her last sonogram appointment with flying colors! She had gained a whole 7 ounces in 11 days, enough to keep her above the 10% mark. Today her estimated weight was 5 pounds 13 ounces, putting her at 13%. YEAH! She is going to make it to January 30th! This pretty much ensures she will be coming home from the hospital with us! And we think she will make the 6 pound mark by then also! Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement, and we will post some pictures of her a few days after she makes her arrival on Friday!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Caylee's Room
Here are a few pictures of Caylee's Room. It is pretty much complete, with the exception of a few tweeks of the little stuff on the shelves, and pictures (which will not be taken until she gets here!). It has been so much fun getting everything together, and she will be surrounded with things given to her by people that already love her so much! My parents bought the baby bed and the sheepskin rug (and a pink BB gun, a girl's got to start early!), Collin's parents bought the bedding and the chandelier (and a super cute diaper bag!), and my grandmother bought the dresser that matches the bed! Much to the surprise of everyone, including myself, there is lots of pink! I seem to like pink more and more these days (weird!), but I absolutely love the way the room turned out! Now all we need is Caylee to make her debut and it will be complete!
Caylee's Scheduled Birthday! (Hopefully)
This pregnancy has been SO easy! I have felt great and time has flown by! And things have gone according as planned until a few weeks ago! Nothing major, but Caylee has dropped to the 16% in weight. The doctor's said there is a possibility she has IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction), and this can be grounds to deliver her early! I am having to go to the doctor twice a week, which is not fun, but I am grateful they are keeping a close watch on her well-being! On Mondays I go for Non-Stress Testing, where they hook me up to a monitor and watch her heart rate in comparison to her movements. So far, she has passed each test! On a few occasions, she has been sleeping while I was being monitored. They come in and use a buzzer to wake her up! Both times it gave her the hiccups, which is funny and feels weird! And then on Thursdays, I go for more Non-Stress Testing and a sonogram, and they measure all her bones and circumferences! She dropped from the 35% to the 16% in only 2 weeks, so the doctors want to make sure she is getting all the nutrients she needs! As long as she stays above the 10%, they have scheduled the C-Section for Friday, January 30. Only 10 days away! We are so excited and can't wait to meet her! We have been blessed with such great family and friends! The past few weeks have been a little un-nerving, but we have been showered with prayers and words of encouragement, and that has truly kept us both at ease! God is good, all the time!
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